Thursday, January 18, 2018

Tinkerbell's Revenge The Recap (blog 1)

SPACE BUCKET GROWING WITH DRUSKI TINKERBELLS REVENGE RECP PODCAST PREP January 9, 2018 2:40 AM recap October 7, 2017: I planted the Tinkerbell's revenge seed and all was well. Using the sponsored, Rainman model space bucket, optional 100 watt LED spacer and the 180 Watt Apollo Horticulture space bucket we proceed to get to work. Planting the seed in organic soil mixed with perlite, I watered the soil until it was nice and wet, then making a hole the size of my ring finger and about mid knuckle deep, i dropped the seed in and covered finishing off with a little splash of water to settle the soil. At this point we did not know if we had planted a male or a female seed but we knew we were going to be growing cannabis. If all had gone wrong, then the choice would have been made to pop another seed into soil and see what happens. With this seed we got lucky. The seed had a nice presentation to it, nice, fat, dark with tiger stripes that were very pronounced throughout the exterior of the seed. That was planted in organic soil mixed with perlite for drainage. While watering this plant, I decided to go with nutrients, from seed, so I applied the Nectar for the Gods sample pack nutrient regimen of Medusa's Magic, Gaia Maina and Zeus Juice, applying a 1/4 tsp per gallon of water. Now knowing that this plant is starting off in a one gallon pot, I didnt use the whole gallon of water, just a 1/4 gallon per 1 gallon pot, to ensure you have run off. This is the part when I tell you just like the person who raised you used to tell you when you wanted something to happen anxiously, patience is key. This is the waiting period, fortunately enough, I didnt have to wait that long. 6 days. October 13th, 2017 This was the day that we first started to see signs of life. After 6 days of patiently waiting, the first set of leaves pop from the soil and start to bask in the Apollo Horticulture 180 watt LEDUFO that is installled inside the space bucket. 6 days later, the first real "node" starts to grow in and this is where I should have been looking close to start the topping and LST training but I didnt on the basis of, hey, lets get through 1 grow with NO problems. So, we let her grow. October 19th, 2017 6 days in and the leaves are now starting to grow nice and big in size. Using the Nectar for the Gods Sample Pack of nutrients, i mixed up a gallon of Seed/clone mix and was using that to water the plant. Along with that, using a GE light timer, ive set the timer to 18/6 (18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness ) it was at this point i knew i was going to flip this plant to 12/12 in about 3 weeks time. October 23rd, 2017 Now were starting to notice the Indica heavy traits of this strain. Knowing that this strain is a hybrid, we know later on in the growth cycle, were going to see a diffrent type of fan leaf start to grow. At this point, I should have been topped and implenmented LST (Low Stress Training) but my mindset is still the same as the previous 10 days, just let her grow. October 27th, 2018 So when i opened up the spacebucket, i noticed that the 3 nodes of fan leaves were stretching past the pots edge, knowing from previous grows that root lock can happen very quickly, i was at alert for root lock. I watered and watched from this point on knowing i was going to have to transfer this into the smart pot soon November 7th, 2018 (Week 5) Transplant day. Thought we were going to have a case of root lock but I was in luck. Actually, Tinkerbell keep growing in height and width so i left her alone until today. She was transplanted into a 3 galon smart pot using organic soil and perlite for drainage. After the transplant was finished she was watered and left alone to settle in. 10 hours later... Tinkerbell has already aclamated to her new home and started to show growth, by growing in height. I didnt know what to think at this point, is this an auto? Pheno grow? Whats going on with this plant? It was just growing at a fast rate that Im still not used to but, I knew that all the growing that was happening, had to be because of the nutrients and the Apollo Horticulture 180 watt UFO LED that was supplied to me by my sponsor Rainman Spacebucket Micro Grows. November 10th 2017 Today was the day it was decided to give Tinkerbells revenge her first cut. If you saw the pictures floating around on the @whatarewedoing_podcast profile, you can see that Tinkerbell was a fluffy baby. She had some huge fan leaves at this point in its growth. They were doing their jobs, but they were also blocking light from getting through to potential bud sites. Doing some light defoliation, I was able to get the light blocking fan leaves out of the way. I could have stripped the plant of the larfy pop, (baby buds) that are growing from the lower portions of the branches, but I didnt. The reason why? I decided, I need to get through a grow to completion before I start doing things to affect the growth of this plant. *Now that I have completed a grow, i should have stripped the plant of the larfy that grew at the bottom portion of the plant. It would have made for bigger, more flavor filled buds. November 17th 2017 (Week 6) (One Month and 2 weeks Later....) Today was the day that I decided to flip from veg, to flower. Flipping from 18/6 to 12/12. A month and a half of vegative growth, I figured that this would be an opportune time to start getting those buds to grow. I set my GE timer to turn on at 9:30pm and off at 9:30am. I did this so that the coolest part of the night would be the hottest point for the plant with the 180w Apollo Horticulture UFO LED lamp shining from above and the 100w LED spacer built by our sponsor, Rainman Spacebucket Microgrows It was also at this time where I switched how I feed my plant as well. Earlier I told you about using 1/4tsp per galon of the Nectar For the Gods Sample Pack nutrient mix, Now im using the reccomended doseage for early, mid and late flowering. January 13th 2018 Today was the day i decided to harvest Tinkerbells Revenge. With 75% of the hairs on the plant nice and redish / orange, and buds sticky to the touch, I decided it was good to go. So i grabbed my fiskar shears and clipped her at the base. Using a plain lid and a hangar, Tinkerbells revenge sits upside down inside the space bucket and is now drying. Ill sit this in here for at least a week. Checking daily, to make sure no mold or anything strange starts happening. After the plant has been dried out, its cut, trim and cure time. As advised from my mentor and sponsor for these grows and this podcast, ill try to cure this for 2 weeks to get that good smoke outa this baby. This project was started on October 7th 2017. 14 weeks, 98 days, 2352 hours of training on a successful grow.